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How to Clean a Beard Trimmer? Maintenance Made Easy!

A huge number of consumers these days (including myself) own a beard trimmer because this is the most convenient and cost-efficient way of grooming one’s beard.

However, owning such a device comes at the cost of regular maintenance which can quite easily be done at home!

With a few tools and equipment, and a few minutes after each grooming session, your efforts can prolong the lifespan of your beard trimmer by a significant margin!

So, let’s dive into our discussion today on ‘how to clean a beard trimmer?’ to learn all the tips and tricks there is to know!

Tools and Supplies You’ll Need

Tools and Supplies You’ll Need

The following tools and supplies will ensure that your cleaning session runs smoothly and spare you the trouble of running back and forth to the closet.

  • Cleaning brush (generally comes with trimmers)
  • Cleaning solution or mild soap (depending on the type of trimmer)
  • Microfiber cloth/ paper towel/ cloth rag
  • Bowl of lukewarm water (for water-resistant trimmer blades)
  • Lubricating agent for the blade

These tools will get you up and running on the cleaning process and you should situate these around yourself before moving on to the next phase!

How to Clean a Beard Trimmer? A Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s begin our learning process for the beard trimmer cleaning! In the next eight steps, you’ll become a master from an amateur in taking care of your grooming device at home!

Step#1: Disconnect from Power

Generally beard trimmers run on batteries due to their cordless design, so there’s less risk of having a power cord attached to your device.

Disconnect from Power

That said, it’s still better to check whether you have disconnected the beard trimmer from the power outlet before cleaning.

You can understand the catastrophe it might cause should you start cleaning with liquid while the power is running on the trimmer.

Make it a habit to check for the cord before every cleaning session so that your safety is always guaranteed.

Step#2: Disassemble the Trimmer

Disassembling the beard trimmer usually refers to taking the blade unit off of the handle. It varies from one trimmer to the very next.

Disassemble the Trimmer

In most cases, you can push the trimmer blades backward (or outward) to release the mechanism from the lock.

Then, locate the hinges that are pivoting the blade and keeping them attached to the handle. That can also be gently maneuvered around to completely detach from the handle.

If you’re confused, please refer to the user-manual you’ll find inside the package for safe blade removal instruction.

Note: Certain beard trimmers have their blades attached to the handle with screws. In such cases, remember the position of the blades and unscrew at the back for safe removal.

Step#3: Brush Off Loose Hair

Once you’ve successfully removed the blade from the trimmer, use the cleaning brush to perform the basic cleaning.

Brush Off Loose Hair

With this, you’ll have to brush out the stray hair, dirt and residue from between the crevices of the blades and even the hair chamber on the handle.

Turn on the light on your phone to have a better view because it’s not very easy to get everything out with a few passes.

For rigid hair particles stuck between the blade teeth or tighter areas, you may use a more robust brush (something like a toothbrush).

Step#4: Wash Detachable Parts

Now, bring in the bowl of warm water and submerge your guide combs and trimmer blade (if it’s washable).

Wash Detachable Parts

Pour in some mild soap or use the cleaning solution dedicated to your particular beard trimmer. Then, gently scrub all of these detachable parts using a cloth rag.

Perform this animation for around a couple of minutes. Then rinse everything under running water to get rid of the soap.

Step#5: Clean the Body of the Trimmer

After getting done with the removable parts, now focus on the shaver handle itself. For additional cleaning, you may use the cloth rag to mop the insides of the stray hair chamber.

Clean the Body of the Trimmer

Some beard trimmers are washable. If yours is waterproof, you can easily wash it under running water or by submerging inside the bowl of water.

However, do consider checking the water exposure duration of your trimmer if it’s applicable. Prolonged contact with water causes leakage to trimmer handles without proper certification.

Step#6: Dry Thoroughly

Once all of the washing is completed, time to dry everything out individually. Using a microfiber cloth can help you absorb the moisture from the trimmer handle and blades.

Dry Thoroughly

After that, leaving it out for around 3-4 hours should do the trick. Remember, storing a damp device may lead to fungal or bacterial build up.

If you’re in a rush, use a blowdryer to fast forward the process. This can reduce your drying time down to around an hour.

Step#7: Oil the Blades

After the drying phase is done and you’re thinking of storing the beard trimmer, you should lubricate the blades with blade oil.

Oil the Blades

Depending on your trimmer, you should pick out blade oil that’s suitable for the specific blade. Also, apply lubricant on the motor heads as well to reduce friction.

This helps the trimmer retain its efficiency and allows you to better perform precise cutting actions like lining up your beard hair.

Step#8: Reassemble and Store

Finally, time to reassemble your beard trimmer and put it inside storage until the next session. While putting the blade back together, don’t mess around with the alignment.

Reassemble and Store

Because certain devices are set at zero gap and excessive pressure during reassembly could compromise the blade setting.

Now, as per storage goes, make sure it’s airtight and robust so that your beard trimmer isn’t prone to any sort of external damage.

And once these eight easy steps are completed, you’ll be conveniently able to clean out your beard trimmer at home!

Additional Tips for Cleaning a Beard Trimmer

The eight steps aren’t enough because there are certain precautions and additional tips you should pay heed to as these will improve your cleaning routine even further!

While cleaning, refrain from using harsh cleaning solutions. Rather, pick one that caters to your specific type of blade.

Make sure your beard trimmer is water-resistant before submerging in water for thorough cleansing.

Always follow up your cleaning with a lubrication process, otherwise higher friction may damage the blades or cause rust.

If you reassemble the beard trimmer when it’s still damp, it could cause rust build up or mold.

For specific instructions, please follow the user-manual for your particular beard trimmer.

If you don’t have a solid storage case, it’s never a waste to spend some money on a good unit.

These tips could give you pointers to enhance the beard trimming routine and leave a lasting result on your device!


We’re going to take a look at a couple of FAQs regarding ‘how to clean a beard trimmer’ as these are essential knowledge for the practice.

Q: How often should you clean your beard trimmer?

Ans: For optimal hygiene, I’ll definitely recommend cleaning your beard trimmer after every grooming session. This cleaning can be reduced to simply brushing off stray hair and cleaning the chamber. As per thorough cleansing goes, you should perform that at least once every 1-2 weeks.

Q: Why is cleaning your beard trimmer essential?

Ans: Cleaning your beard trimmer is important for three big reasons: it ensures hygiene by removing all the bacteria, enhances performance by preventing blade dullness and prolongs the durability as it reduces risk of mechanical failures.

Final Thoughts

So, we’ve covered everything related to the thorough cleansing and basic maintenance of your beard trimmer.

If you manage to follow my routine at every occasion, you’ll have less risk of performance drop and the frequency of blade replacement will most certainly reduce.

Also, barbers who use beard trimmers in a professional setting, it’s very important to keep your device cleaned and disinfected as it can spread bacteria or cause infections.

This eight step method is highly affordable, convenient to carry out and doesn’t take up much time – so why not consider picking this routine up?

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