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My Electric Shaver Doesn’t Shave — How To Fix It in 7 Ways?

An electric shaver is meant to serve a grand purpose without a hiccup – to shave effortlessly and efficiently whenever you ask it to!

But when it stops serving its sole purpose, then it’s definitely a major problem. A handful of issues could prevent your shaving device from performing.

And when there’s trouble, there most certainly are some viable and tested solutions. So, if you’re one to complain ‘my electric shaver doesn’t shave – how to fix it?’

I’ll answer with 7 different fixes to get your electric razor up to speed and make it start shaving again – this time maybe even more agility than before!

Fixing My Broken Electric Shaver: 7 Effective Solutions

There are seven different and most essential things you should try to fix your broken electric shaver. Let’s see what those are and the underlying issues that are demanding such solutions!

Perform a Thorough Cleaning

Sometimes, the most basic solution turns out to be the one reaping maximum benefit. You might not realize but your electric shaver could be suffering from clogged cutting units.

Perform a Thorough Cleaning

With frequent hair residue and other dirt particles, your blades, foils and even the motor heads can be jammed to prevent efficient cuts.

Despite regular cleaning duties, some particles can seep through the cracks and the build ups could eventually lead to your shaving device underperforming.

A thorough cleansing session with cleaning brushes, warm water and cleaning agent, you can test if this is the issue that’s holding you back.

Remove every removable part and if you’re confident enough, remove the motor heads as well. Then, wash each part independently and let things dry before putting them back together.

Check if your shaver is back to its original form again and if not, try following the next solution.

Apply a Proper Maintenance

Once the cleaning is done, you should follow it up with a proper maintenance session. By maintenance, it means lubricating all the cutting elements.

Apply a Proper Maintenance

If you have a cleaning station, both of your cleaning and maintenance would be automatically taken care of by this accessory.

Otherwise, you may want to apply a couple drops of lubricating agent on your blade, foils and motor heads respectively.

Then, let your device run freely for around 10 seconds, after which you should try shaving using it to test out whether your solution has fixed your non-functioning shaver.

Replace the Blade

One of the major reasons your electric razor isn’t shaving the way it used to is the lack of sharpness in the blades or the cutting elements.

Replace the Blade

In different electric razors like foil or rotary, the blade alignment is completely different and it even varies across devices with diverse blade numbers.

No matter which tool you’re using, start by replacing the blades because there’s a high chance your shaver blades have dulled out.

The prices may differ from one brand to the next but in general, blade replacement isn’t very expensive and this should be routinely done every year by frequent groomers.

Buy New Foil Head

If your blades are in mint condition (which you can test by stretching and pressing a hair strand against the blades and see how long it takes to chop at the pressure point), then the culprit is most likely the foil elements.

Buy New Foil Head

For foil shavers, the entire foil head or only the foil rings can be replaced depending on your model.

In certain cases, you’d be given the option to choose between the entire head replacement of only the foil ring purchase. If that’s the case, keep the original head and buy new foil rings.

To replace these foils, follow the instruction manual provided in your razor’s box, or visit their official website and hopefully they’ll tell you how to perform that without damaging your device.

Replace the Charger/Battery

Did you ever think that the reason behind your motor not torquing at ideal speed or blades being unable to remove your beard could be an issue with your charger or battery?

Replace the Charger or Battery

Start by checking your battery life and assessing whether it’s lasting longer or shorter than before. But this won’t always give you a straight answer if the battery is faulty.

But first, attempt replacing your charging adapter. If you have a charging station, you still need to change the adapter since it’s the sole source of power in both cases.

If this doesn’t work, you might want to replace your battery unit but that requires additional knowledge and expertise of the electric components of your shaving device.

Do not proceed without prior experience and claim warranty if that’s still available.

Check Software/Settings for Advanced Shavers

Some advanced electric shavers like Panasonic ARC5 LV65 or Philips Norelco 7200 have AI features to regulate motor power.

Check Software or Settings for Advanced Shavers

The software settings or the sensors could be bugged or obstructed which can in turns jeopardize the efficiency of your shaving operation.

You can try resetting the device following the instruction provided by the brand for its distinctive model.

Additionally, a thorough maintenance should clear out the sensory blockages to get the motor power and cutting actions up to speed.

Consult an Expert

Should neither of my solutions work, don’t hesitate to throw in the towel and consult an expert who could make a deeper analysis of your electric shaver.

Based on the issue, the expert may have to alter a few things, replace electronic components or offer the verdict that your shaving device needs to be replaced.

It’s still a better avenue to walk than damaging the device on your own if you have no idea about repairing an electric razor.

So, don’t be afraid of asking for help because this too is a viable and often-opted solution for regular groomers.

Final Thoughts

The answer to this question ‘my electric razor doesn’t shave – how to fix it?’ can offer plenty of options to consider as a solution.

For instance, learning how to properly shave with an electric shaver or buying the perfect device for your needs could be the areas of consideration.

Certain shaving mistakes can slow down your progress and might leave you with an unsatisfactory result paired with burning or irritation of skin.

So, think about every possible aspect before you decide it’s time to throw out the old device and begin the search for a new and more suitable one!

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